Tuesday, December 7, 2010

CD- Sam's Town by The Killers

Bibliographic information:
The Killers (Band). (2006). Sam’s Town [CD]. New York: Island
1. Sam's Town
2. Enterlude
3. When You Were Young
4. Bling (Confession of a King)
5. For Reasons Unknown
6. Read My Mind
7. Uncle Johnny
8.  Bones
9.  My List
10. This River Is Wild
11. Why Do I Keep Counting
12. Exitlude
Critical Evaluation:
            The Killer’s are able to keep a quick pace through many of the songs on Sam’s Town.  The alternative rock selection seems to be somewhat influenced by rock music from the 80’s and the music is attractive to a wider audience than just teens.  Teens would find the music attractive as the 1980’s are particularly fashionable and the style seems to be the new retro.  I particularly liked song six, Read My Mind, a song that the lead singer of the Killer’s, Brandon Flowers, regards as the best song he has ever written.  Sam’s Town is something of a departure from earlier albums which were more influenced by punk rock.  The album reached number two on the Billboard chart after its release.  The CD shows the direction The Killers would take in later albums, bringing their style very close to almost classic rock and roll with some alternative influences. 
Listener’s Annotation:
The Killers fast paced alternative rock album shows a number of influences and new directions.
Information about the band:
The Killers are:
Brandon Flowers - vocals, keyboards, guitar
Dave Keuning - guitar, vocals
Mark Stoermer -  bass guitar, vocals
      Ronnie Vannucci - drums, percussion
            The Killers are an alternative rock band based out of Las Vegas, Nevada.  The band has been active since 2002.  They have 5 albums to their credit and have toured all over the world, gaining particular popularity in the United Kingdom, and Japan.  The band has received much critical acclaim and plenty of action on the hit charts.  The band was recently invited to The Whitehouse and played on the South Lawn for the Fourth of July celebrations in 2010.  the band has received a number of nominations and awards for their music.
Alternative Rock
Level/Interest Age:
Musictalking Ideas:
Discuss the changes the band has made to their style in different albums.
Challenge Issues:
Challenge Defense Ideas:
Should a challenge arise:
1.  Listen to the CD/ try to find the meaning to the songs.
2.  Be Familiar with the policy of the ALA and your institution.
3. Make a note of the contents of the work and how they fall in with the collection development policy of your institution and the standpoint of the ALA. 
4. Gain an awareness of the awards, reviews, and criticisms of the work, as well as other works by the same artist.
5. Know the process for materials challenges at your library.
Why did you include this CD? :
I have heard this band’s music being played at a few places where teens gather and thought it might be a good fit.
Band Website:

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