K’naan (vocalist). (2009). Troubadour [CD]. New York: A&M/Octone.
1. T.I.A.
2. ABC's
3. Dreamer
4. I Come Prepared
5. Bang Bang
6. If Rap Gets Jealous
7. Wavin' Flag
8. Somalia
9. America
10. Fatima
11. Fire in Freetown
12. Take a Minute
13. 15 Minutes Away
14. People Like Me
Critical Evaluation:
K’naan does not have a single genre, though there are elements of rap, Afro-beat, rock, reggae, and East African folk. Perhaps the most widely known song on the CD is song #7 Wavin’ Flag. This song, which is featured in its original form on the CD, was changed and used as one of the official songs of FIFA World Cup 2010. Coca Cola also purchased rights for a remix and played this on commercials throughout the matches. What fails to come through from the FIFA version of the song is the political and social awareness of K’naan’s music. There are very deep threads of social justice and he is a rapper that focuses on ending violence rather than glorifying it. The themes of war, poverty, immigration, hunger, violence, and justice can all be found in Troubadour. Pieces of songs are in Somali, which kind of add to authentic feel of the music and message. This album could have an appeal to fans of any of the genres K’naan uses and to socially conscious teens. There is a possibility that some teens have heard of him because of his fame as one of the World Cup artists. The only problem that one might have is the fact that foul language is used in a few songs.
Listener’s Annotation:
Genres are blended as K’naan sings about the themes of social justice and peace.
Information about the artist:
K’naan is the stage name of Keinan Abdi Warsame a Somali-Canadian singer. K’naan was born and raised to the age of 13 in Mogadishu, Somalia. He was raised among the violence of civil war and warlords, having lost many childhood friends in the fighting. When he was 13, his family moved to New York, and then immigrated to Canada.
K’naan learned English by listening to rap and hip hop records and began his career as a vocalist. He lived in the worst part of Toronto and saw music as a way of bettering himself. He has released a number of albums and has grown in popularity since one of his songs was chosen to be an official song of World Cup 2010. K’naan is active in social justice movements and is an advocate for development and peace in Somalia. He lives in Toronto with his wife an two sons.
Fusion of Afro-Beat/Reggae/Hip-hop/ Rap/Rock
Level/Interest Age:
Musictalking Ideas:
Discuss the social and political themes in the work.
Challenge Issues:
Discuss the social and political themes in the work.
Challenge Issues:
Challenge Defense Ideas:
1. Listen to the CD/ try to find the meaning to the songs.
2. Be Familiar with the policy of the ALA and your institution.
3. Make a note of the contents of the work and how they fall in with the collection development policy of your institution and the standpoint of the ALA.
4. Gain an awareness of the awards, reviews, and criticisms of the work, as well as other works by the same artist.
5. Know the process for materials challenges at your library.
Why did you include this CD? :
I thought that many teens could connect with the messages and unique sound of K’naan’s music.
Artists Website:
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