Sawyer, J. (Project Director), Gonzalez, J. (Creative Lead), Avellone C., Fenstermaker, E, & Travis Stout, T. (Writers) (2010). Fallout: New Vegas. Irvine, California: Obsidian Entertainment.
Plot Summary:
The main character is a courier who is kidnapped, shot in the head, and buried. A robot finds the body and sees that The Courier is still alive and brings him to a doctor to get healed. The main character, whose appearance is largely decided upon by the player, must then go on to try and retrieve a platinum poker chip which was taken when he/she was shot. The player becomes The Courier and wanders around a sometimes rural, sometimes urban scene to undertake different missions and befriend some of the factions in and around town. After the government fell, unofficial governments and tribes rose up to fight for sovereignty. It is up to the player which side they would like to ally themselves with. The player gets rated and increases in skill, and becomes a friend or enemy of various factions depending on the choices they make. The player has a number of weapons to choose from and in one setting (hardcore), has to maintain a diet, find water, regulate how much they carry, and cope with extended healing times. One has to encounter a number of computer generated characters some of which are human, others being mutant. Since the decision for how the plot plays out lies largely with the player, a number of outcomes are possible.
Critical Evaluation:
I though that the game was rather easy to manipulate for a beginning user with fairly no background in gaming. The options one has with the game can also be increased with the use of imported modifications from other fans. The storyline is interesting, as are some of the characters; some of the voices for the characters are celebrity voices and are easily recognizable. The background is very detailed and the interaction between the main character and the others is sometimes interesting depending on who the player decides to befriend. There is a strong scavenging aspect much like in the film Mad Max where the main character must find things, and even must repair some things to be able to use them. The player can also gamble and there are different kinds of currency one can use in the game. There are even a few game generated radio stations with post apocalyptic news and vintage music. The game is a one player game so there is no online teamwork or competition as in other games. There is some pretty graphic violence and mention of drug addiction/smoking, so the game may not be suitable for some players. Overall, this is a new game which should find acceptance among a number of teen players and requires a bit more thought and preparation to be successful than other shooter games.
Player’s Annotation:
Choose sides, complete missions, make friends and enemies in post apocalyptic New Vegas.
Information about the production team:
Project Director: Josh Sawyer
Creative Lead: John Gonzalez
Writers: Chris Avellone, Eric Fenstermaker, Travis Stout
This game was developed by Obsidian Entertainment in Irvine, California.
Post Apocalyptic/Action
Curriculum Ties:
Gametalking Ideas:
1. Discuss the different factions in New Vegas and how a player can choose sides.
2. Focus on the fan modifications which are available.
3. Discuss the realism of this game in that the character must eat, drink, and has a limit on the weight carried (hardcore mode).
Player Level/Interest Age:
Challenge Issues:
Challenge Defense Ideas:
1. Play the game.
2. Be Familiar with the policy of the ALA and your institution.
3. Make a note of the contents of the work and how they fall in with the collection development policy of your institution and the standpoint of the ALA.
4. Gain an awareness of the awards, reviews, and criticisms of the game.
5. Know the process for materials challenges at your library.
Why did you include this game? :
I wanted to include a very recent release; this game was released in October 2010 and is very popular at present.
Game’s Official Website:
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